LIERDE Equities, F.I.

Net Asset Value 12.15
YTD 2025 +1.34%

* Past performance is not guaranteee of future results. Performance is not guaranteed and may fluctuate over time (losses are possible). Performance is net of expenses.

Investment Philosophy

LIERDE Equities, F.I. is an actively managed investment vehicle that combines value and momentum. The fund has Global Equities exposure higher than 75%. The companies have market capitalization above 1,000 millions (euros) and they trade in developed markets. The fund excludes banking and natural resources sectors.

Management Objective

The goal of LIERDE Equities, F.I. is to obtain better performance vs. MSCI World Net Return Index in the long-term. This investment vehicle may be unsuitable for investors who expect to withdraw their money within the next five years.

Risk Factors to be considered

Investing in LIERDE Equities, F.I. implies assuming the following risks: market risk (interet rate, currency exchange and equity risks), credit risk, liquidity risk among others. For detailed information about the risks review the Prospectus.

Monthly Review



Name: LIERDE Equities, F.I.
ISIN code: ES0118591009
CNMV registration code: 5484
Managment Company: Augustus Capital Asset Management S.G.I.I.C., S.A.
Registered office: Plaza Aragón 10, 10ª planta, 50004, Zaragoza
Depository: Bnp Paribas S.A., Sucursal en España
Auditor: PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L.
Bloomberg code: CERVING SM Equity

Investment Profile

Net Asset Value: Daily
Assets under management: EUR 4,5 mill. (31/12/2024)
143 (31/12/2024)
Management fee: 1,60% annual
Depository fee: 0,07% annual
TER: 1,93% annual
Refund fee: does not exist
Minimum initial investment: does not exist

Vehicle Profile

Fund type: International Equity
Legal form: UCIT open-ended investment company
Investment style: Value
Morningstar category: Global Equity
Currency: Euro
Asset managers: Juan Uguet de Resayre and Francisco Tajada

Files and Downloads

Monthly report: PDF
Simplified prospectus (KIID): PDF
Prospectus: PDF
Fund policy: PDF
Half-year report: PDF
Annual Financial Statements: PDF
EMT, European MiFID Template:PDF